Adventures in Editing Part 1: Manuscript Under Contract, Now What?

In this week’s blog post, we pick up right where we left off—publishing contract in hand, cover design complete.
The Mystery of Cover Art Design - Part 2: The Mockup Process

Here’s the follow-up to last week’s Mystery of Cover Art Design. In Part 2, you’ll get to inspect the mockups, see how my original recommendations to the cover artist proved unworkable, and watch the final design evolve. Man oh man, did I learn lessons along the way!
The Mystery of Cover Art Design - Part 1: Will I Recognize My Baby?

In this blog post, we take a behind-the-scenes look at how a book cover comes to life—starting with the first steps in the process. For me, it was fascinating what’s involved. Expect surprises!
The Search for Clues in Picking the Perfect Author Photo

I could use your help. I’m on a quest for the perfect author photo for my mystery series. There’s got to be some clues, right?
This is a mystery after all—or at least, mystery-adjacent. With so many photos of interest to investigate, I could really use an assist. Working together, we might just be able to find the right mug shot for a fledging whodunit writer.
All those responding to the request for feedback will be entered into a drawing for one of five signed copies of All that Glisters when it releases later this year. Details at the end of this post.
How’d You Get the Crazy Idea for "All That Glisters"?

When I tell people I’m a novelist, the first question I get is: What kind of stuff?
“Mysteries,” I say, “with a dash of romance.”
And they usually follow up with, “So, what’re you working on?”
I tell them a little about All That Glisters, about a secret audit of the U.S. Gold Stockpile, every last bullion bar, something that’s never been done before, ever, and what could possibly go wrong? And my two amateur sleuths, and a brutal manhunt...and before I can finish the pitch, I’m usually interrupted with the next question.
“How did you ever come up with something so crazy?”