Topper Jones

Oceano Beach Bedlam Releases!


Today’s Pub Day—short for Publication Day. It’s the day a book goes on sale worldwide and becomes available through major booksellers. Oceano Beach Bedlam—Book Two in the Thad Hanlon & Bri de la Guerra Mystery Series—is finally in print. I am so stoked! Feeling St.-Patrick’s-Day-lucky to take one step closer to becoming a real novelist with two books now published and Book Three close to final draft.


Kirkus Reviews—a trusted source in the literary world—calls the sequel to All that Glisters “A crunchy detective novel set in the world of California surfers” and states that “Jones delivers a proper beach read, both in form and content.”


For an action-packed mystery with a dash of romance, check out:


Will You Join Me?

Please join me this Friday for a Book Launch Party at Southern Utah’s finest independent bookstore. We’ll be celebrating the release of  OCEANO BEACH BEDLAM with a short reading, Q&A, cool door prizes, book signing, and mysterious treats.

When:  Friday, March 21, 2025,  7 p.m.—9 p.m.

Where: The Book Bungalow, 94 West Tabernacle Street, St. George, Utah 84770


All you mystery lovers and private eye fans, hope to see you there.

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