Topper Jones

How’d You Get the Crazy Idea for "All That Glisters"?

How’d You Get the Crazy Idea for "All That Glisters"?
by Topper Jones

When I tell people I’m a novelist, the first question I get is: What kind of stuff?

“Mysteries,” I say, “with a dash of romance.”

And they usually follow up with, “So, what’re you working on?” 

I tell them a little about All That Glisters, about a secret audit of the U.S. Gold Stockpile, every last bullion bar, something that’s never been done before, ever, and what could possibly go wrong? And my two amateur sleuths, and a brutal manhunt...and before I can finish the pitch, I’m usually interrupted with the next question.

“How did you ever come up with something so crazy?”

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